Computer Science & Engineering

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2007-2008 with an in take of 60 for B.Tech CSE. The department has been striving hard to inculcate conceptual and technical skills in students through a scientific teaching methodology based on lectures, case studies, seminars, group discussions, project works, assignments, quiz programs etc. The systematic and well planned approach to problem solving is emphasized in the classrooms, laboratories through the course projects and additional computer training beyond the scope of the syllabus. The department always provides quality teaching in a modernized methodology in order to achieve the tomorrow’s technology. The department has high end computer systems with facilities to work on various platforms under the well trained faculty members. Many of the faculty members of this department have attended various FDPs, Workshops, Seminars and presented many valuable technical papers in the conferences. Students are trained qualitatively during the lab sessions which enhance their understanding, capability which guides them in various projects and proves as a helping hand to do their career growth efficiently.
Vision & Mission:
To nurture excellence in the field of Computer Science and Engineering by imparting timeless core values to the learners and to mold the Department of Computer Science and Engineering into a center of academic excellence and advanced research.
To impart high Quality Technical & Professional education in order to mold the learners into globally competitive professionals who are professionally deft, intellectually adept and socially responsible. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering strives to make the learners inculcate and imbibe pragmatic perception and pro-active nature, so as to enable them to acquire a vision for exploration and an insight for advanced inquire.
Short/Long term Goals:
Short term Goals
- To conduct faculty development programmers regularly for skill up gradation.
- To modernize all the laboratories
- To train and educate students as Global Citizens
- To Place teaching / tutorial material of each subject on the internet to enable students to browse at their own place of learning.
- To encourage the students to participate in community development programs.
- To conduct summer and winder schools for faculty members and short-term course for technicians to widen their knowledge base and deepen their understanding of the latest trends and developments in field of Electrical Engineering
Long term Goals
- To be among top ten leading institutes in India and abroad and be recognized as the best department in terms of research and innovation.
- To develop consultancy for various industries
- To create better entrepreneurs in the IT Sector
- To establish and strengthen Industry-Institute interaction and be industry solution providers.
- To strive hard to meet the social, ecological and ethical needs of the region.
- To establish State of the art research facilities in the department.
Mrs. Ayesha Mariyam(HOD)
Mrs. Ayesha Mariyam, Assistant Professor & HOD has joined in this institution on July, 2013. She is having 7 years of Teaching experience in Teaching. She is pursuing Ph.D with Data Mining as specialization in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTUH. She has presented technical papers in various conferences and published papers in various journals. She has handled around 20 projects for PG students and around 20 projects for UG students. He has attended various Workshops, Conferences, Seminars, FDPs.
S.No |
Name of the Faculty |
Qualification |
Designation |
1 |
Mrs.Ayesha Mariyam |
M.Tech,[Ph.D] |
Assistant Professor |
2 |
Mr.Vijay Bhaskar Reddy |
B.Tech, M.Tech |
Assistant Professor |
3 |
Mr.G.Ramesh |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant Professor |
4 |
Mr.V.Yogiraj |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
5 |
Mr.M.Kartheek Kumar Reddy |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
6 |
Ms.T.Sai Sree |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
7 |
Mrs.K.Shravani |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
8 |
Mr.Syed Asad Hussain |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
9 |
Mrs.P.Mounika |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
10 |
Mrs.T.Deepanjali |
B.Tech, M. Tech |
Assistant professor |
Professional Bodies
1. CSI BEC student Chapter
The BEC Hyderabad Student Chapter of the CSI was established in 2013 to address the needs of the BEC Hyderabad computing community. Goal of the chapter is to create interest among the students for computer science apart from what they learn during the course work. The chapter organizes talks and workshops on different subjects by speakers who are well known in their area. These talks give students opportunities to learn about advanced research subjects. Apart from these, some non-technical activities are also organized.
The department owns 250 latest computer systems with high configuration and upgraded software and maintains an exclusive lab with 1 to 1 ratio for each subject.
The following are the laboratories with the state of the art equipment’s
- Programming for Problem Solving Lab
- Data Structures Lab
- C++ Lab
- Database Management Systems Lab
- Java Programming Lab
- Operating Systems Lab
- Computer Networks Lab
- Cryptography & Network Security Lab
- Software Engineering Lab
- Web Technologies Lab
- Data Mining Lab
- Linux Programming Lab
- Python Programming Lab
The Department has excellent Departmental Library facility under Computer Science engineering.
Voluntary Organization
Voluntary Organization
NSS Activities: Conducted Blood camp at our college and donated books and stationary for the school children in nearby villages.
- Department of CSE conducted A Blood Donation Camp at Bhaskar engineering College for cancer effected Children’s to the MNJ Hospital (520 units) with the help of Central blood bank Narayanaguda (Govt blood bank) Durgabhai Deshmuk in the month of Feb 2014
Research and Development
- Mrs. Ayesha Mariyam published a paper on “An Approach to Big Data Analytics and its Significance” in Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, {Bi-Monthly}, ISSN 2249-9598, Volume-07, May 2017 Special Issue.
- Mrs.Ayesha Mariyam published a paper on “Enhanced Privacy Access Control Model for Multi-Party in Online Social Networks” in Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems.
- Miss. Talla Sai Sree published a paper on “Secure Multiparty Computation Trusted Third Site On Horizontal Partition using CK Secure Sum Protocol” in Journal of International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology Informatics.
- Mrs. N Mounika published a paper on “ Contribute Detach and Autonomous Access to Cipher text in Cloud Database” in Journal of International Journal of Innovative Technology and Reasearch.
- Mrs. K Shravani published a paper on “ Robust Monitoring of Link Delays and Faults in Binary Network” in Journal of International journal of Global Innovations, vol 6, issue I.
- Mr. G Ramesh published a paper on “ Prostate Histopathology Image Classification Using Neural Network Process and Tumor Detection” in journal of IJCST vol 5, issue 3.
Seminars/Workshops Organised :
- Conducted a guest lecture on “How to become a Software Engineer” in the month of December 2015.
- Conducted one day workshop on “Project Management” in the month of October 2015.
- Conducted two days’ workshop on “Cloud Computing” in the month of October 2014.
- A guest lecture on Big Data and Internet of Things is going to be conducted tentatively on 08/10/215.
- A workshop on “Cloud Computing” was conducted in association with WebTek Labs and IBM by CSE department in the month of October 2014.
- A workshop on “DRUPAL”, usage of software was organized by CSE department in the month of March 2014.
- A workshop conducted on Cloud Computing in association with IBM by CSE department in the month of October 2014.
Seminars/Workshops Attended:
- M. Kartheek , G.Ramesh attended ICT Academy Faculty Development Programme on R Programming at JBREC
- T.Sai Sree, G. Ramesh attended ICT Academy Faculty Development Programme on PHP Programming at JBIET.
- G.Ramesh attended AICTE Induction Program at IARE.
- Mrs. Ayesha Mariyam attended FDP on Data Science and Next Generation AI at MJCET.
- Organized one day workshop on “INNOVATIVE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES” on 10-Apr-2018.
- T. Sai Sree, V.Yogi Raj attended FDP on “Teaching Methodology” at JBIET.
- V. Yogi Raj attended FDP on “ Applied Machine Learning Using Python” at MGIT .
- G. Ramesh attended Conference on “The International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies(ICACM) at GRIET.
- G Ramesh attended Workshop on “ IEEE Xplore Digital Library” at JNTUH.
- Mrs.Sujana.Dayam published paper in IMAGE PROCESSING “A New Method of Automatic and Accurate Image Registration through Histogram Based Image Segmentation”. Published in IJAIR, Volume 2, and Issue 9 September 2013.
- Mrs.Swetha Kadam published paper on “Distributional Features for Text Categorization using ensemble learning Techniques “. Published in IJSAA, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2013
- Mrs. Swetha Kadam published a paper on “An approach to Big data and its importance” in 2017
- 20 students have participated in various workshops, seminars and technical fests.
- Won 1st prize in inter department men’s cricket conducted in college sports event 2k18.
- Won 1st prize in inter department women’s throw ball conducted in college sports event 2k18.
- Won 1st prize in inter department men’s table tennis singles & doubles conducted in college sports event 2k18.
ORACLE - Workforce Development Program(WDP)
The Department of CSE has signed MoUs with Oracle, TASK for the purpose of Internship, Industry Projects and Training, Workshops on latest tools and technologies. These MoUs have made the students industry ready thus they can enhance their success in Placements. The CSE Department has got ORACLE Workforce Development Program membership, as a part of this, the students will be trained on Oracle Products, JAVA and Undergo Certification program. This Certificate is very useful as many MNCs are giving preferences and importance to JAVA certified students in placements.
Partner Benefits:
- License agreement that allows institution to deliver Oracle training to students
- Faculty training at 50% of country course title list price
- 25% discount on Oracle certification exams for students completing Oracle training
- Students e-Self Learning Content (Self Study Kit)
ORACLE WDP-Benefits to the Students:
- Access to Oracle curriculum
- e-Courseware from ORACLE
- Hands on experience on ORACLE Software
- ORACLE Certification e-vouchers for students appearing for certification exam at 25% discount on country list price
- Participation certificate from ORACLE on completion of each module
Telangana Academy for Skills and Knowledge was established by the Government of Telangana to enable a platform between Government, Academia and Industry to enhance employability quotient of students in the state.
The Bhaskar Engineering College has MoU with Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge. This promotes to support for conducting workshops, internships & training programs to enhance student’s technical skills. Thus, improving the success rate of employability.