Science and Humanities

The Dept of “Science and Humanities” has established at the commencement of college in 2007. This Department plays a significant role in Engineering and Technology by the eclectic perception of pedagogical learning concepts. The department of S&H motivates the students to excel through a stage of colossal evolution from their previous intermediate stage to the Enggineering courses. The Dept comprises of varied disciplines such as English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Managerial Sciences and Environmental Science. This Dept also holds the position of Physical director and Asst Physical Directors to enhance and bolster their physical and mental cognitive abilities to excel in sports & games. Students are encouraged to employ pragmatic applications and the basic concept of Physics, Chemistry, & English for better understanding. Students are encouraged to excel in various engineering streams and application of pragmatic methods of core engineering subjects with the support provided by this department. The faculty from this Department supports other Departments by conducting subjects like Mathematics-I, II,III ,&IV. Environmental Science and Technology Business Economics and financial Analysis. Further, the department of S&H motivates the students to enhance communicative skills, interview and group discussions in the Advanced English Communication Skills Labs for I, III & IV B Tech students. The monitoring of class work & all other activities of all first year B.Tech students are carried out under the direction of Head of the Department.

B.Santhosh kumar is currently the Assistant Prof in Mathematics and Head of the Department Science and Humanities. He has obtained M Sc (Maths ) with specialization in Mathematics in 2013 in First division from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has attended the FDP Programme conducted by AICTE from 16July2018 to 22 July 2018 . He maintains the department with utmost diligence in all the activities and support to the faculty. He has a great passion for learning and to ameliorate his pedagogical quest of learning and to impart quality based subject knowledge for students and faculty.
S. No |
Name of the faculty |
Qualification |
Designation |
1 |
M.Sc (Maths),B.Ed |
Asst.Prof & H.O.D. |
2 |
M.A (English) |
Asst.Prof |
3 |
M.B.A |
Asst. professor |
4 |
M.B.A |
Asst. professor |
5 |
Mr.MD.Irfan |
M.Sc (Physics) |
Asst. professor |
6 |
M.Sc (chemistry) |
Asst. professor |
7 |
M.A (English) |
Asst. professor |
8 |
M.Sc(Maths) |
Asst. professor |
9 |
M.Sc (Physics) |
Asst. professor |
10 |
M.L.I.Sc |
Librarian |
Professional Bodies
Will be Updated soon...
English Language & communication skills Laboratory: An interactive spoken language lab with modern audio equipment and a qualified trainer has been setup to improve the communications skills of the students.

Chemistry Laboratory: In this laboratory, the students learn to calculate the percentage of different salts and metals present in the given solution by qualitative analysis.

Physics Laboratory: In this laboratory students are instructed to learn through the experiments in the areas of optics, heat, electricity, acoustics, electronics and material science. A separate darkroom is available to conduct experiments in spectrometry and laser.

Lab Department:
- The Department has well equipped lab facilities to empower students of Engineering Physics & Chemistry Labs as per the JNTU syllabus, AICTE and NBA requirements for First Year B.Tech students of all the branches. The students have to complete atleast 12 experiments in 16 weeks. The Lab manuals are prepared according to the prescribed syllabus of JNTUH by faculty and supplied to the students. In the academic year 2007-2008 English lab is introduced and the syllabus designed according to the norms given by JNTUHfor all the branches of First Year Enggineering course.
- The English lab is established in 2007 which included English language lab (Phonetics) and Interactive Communication Skills lab with the total expenditure of 13 lakhs. The language lab focuses on computer-aided multi-media instruments and provides language acquisition through a variety of self-instructional learner-friendly modes of language learning in phonetics, accent intention and Rhythm. The language lab provides the required amicable atmosphere to face computer-based competitive exams such as GRE, TOEFL, & GMAT.
- Interactive Communication Skills lab caters to the needs of the students in facing interviews, group discussion, public speaking, report writing, resume writing, format making and paper presentation. English lab builds up the confidence of the students to develop leadership qualities through communicative competence.