Electronics & Communications Engineering
The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established in the academic year 2007 with an intake 60 for B.Tech (ECE). Present intake 60. It is a well-disciplined department where it has well qualified and experienced faculty capable of ensuring smooth transition for the graduate level student into the professional programs. The department always provides the quality of teaching in a modernized methodology in order to achieve the tomorrow’s technology. The department has high end computer systems with facilities to work on various platforms under the well-trained faculty. Students are trained both quantitatively & qualitatively during the lab session that enhance their understanding, capability which guides them in various projects and proves as a helping hand to do their carrier growth efficiently.
Vision & Mission:
To nurture excellence in the field of Electronics & Communication Engineering by imparting timeless core values to the learners and to mold the Electronics & Communication Engineering into a center of academic excellence and advanced research.
To impart high Quality Technical & Professional education in order to mold the learners into globally competitive professionals who are professionally deft, intellectually adept and socially responsible. The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering strives to make the learners inculcate and imbibe pragmatic perception and proactive nature, to enable them to acquire a vision for exploration and an insight for advanced inquire.
Short/Long term Goals:
Short term Goals
- To conduct faculty development programmers regularly for skill up gradation.
- To modernize all the laboratories
- To train and educate students as Global Citizens
- To Place teaching / tutorial material of each subject on the internet to enable students to browse at their own place of learning.
- To encourage the students to participate in community development programs.
Long term Goals
- To be among top ten leading institutes in India and abroad and be recognized as the best department in terms of research and innovation.
- To create better entrepreneurs in the IT Sector
- To establish and strengthen Industry Institute interaction and be industry solution providers.
- To establish State of the art research facilities in the department
Mr. B. Shravan Kumar (HOD)

He is working as Associate professor and Head of Department of ECE Presently Pursuing Ph.D in “Transforms for the Motion Compensation Residual”. He has over 9 year of teaching experience. He has got his M.Tech in Digital system and Computer Electronic from JNTU Hyderabad in 2009. He has attended technical workshops of various fields till date. Presently he is the chair person for “ECE Student Association” under this banner in collaboration with IETE and conducted short and long-term courses. He has published several papers in National and International conferences.
- A Presented a paper titled “A Novel Method For Multiple Object Tracking And Recognition” in 2 days National Conference ICPETS March 2016 held at Methodist college of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad.
- Presented a paper titled “Efficient Image coding technique based on Seam Identification and Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees” in 2 days National Conference ICSS-2013 held at JBIET.
- Presented a paper titled “Robust Image Coding Based Upon Compressive Sensing” in 2 days National Conference ICSS-2013 held at JBIET.
- Presented a paper titled “Hardware Implementation of DWT-IDWT architecture for Image Compression using SPIHT Algorithm” in 2 days National Conference CVIP-2012 held at JBIET.
- Presented a paper titled “Invisible Image Watermarking Using Hybrid DWT Compression Decompression Technique” in 2 days National Conference ICSS-2013 held at JBIET.
- A Two Day Work-shop on "APPLICATION OF VIDEO SURVEILLANCE" Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication on 21st and 22nd September 2017
- A One Week National level Workshop on “MATLAB and its Applications-MIA’17 ” during 01-06 May 2017 at J B Institute OF Engineering and Technology , Hyderabad
- A Two-Day Workshop on “Mathematical Methods for Image Processing and Engineering Applications” on 5-6 March 2013 at Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology Gandipet, Hyderabad
- A Two Day “ISTE workshop on Aakash” for Education at JBREC conducted by IIT Kharagpur on 10-11 November 2012
- A One week workshop on “Signal and Image Processing using OCTAVE”, at JNTUH conducted by UGC-Academia in Feb 2011
- A Two Days Workshop On “COMPUTER VISION “24th & 25th September 2014
- One day Seminar on “MSP-430” on 19thJuly 2012
- A seminar on Graphical System Design using Lab View” TECH Lab View on 16 Nov 2012
A Five Days Workshop on “Simulation and Image Processing using MATLAB” (2 Aug-6 Aug 2010)
S. No |
Name of the faculty |
Qualification |
Designation |
1 |
Mr. B. Shravan Kumar |
M.Tech, (Ph. D) |
Associate professor & HOD |
2 |
Mr. MD. Aleem |
M. Tech |
Asst. Professor |
3 |
Mrs. V. Rajeswari |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
4 |
Mr. D.Sreenu Babu |
M.E |
Asst. professor |
5 |
Mr. K.Prakesh |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
6 |
Mr. K. Shiva Sagar |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
7 |
Mr. P.Thirupaiah |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
8 |
Mr. L.Santhosh Kumar |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
9 |
Mr.Ch.Venkateshwarlu |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
10 |
Mr. M.Manyam |
M. Tech |
Asst. professor |
Professional Bodies & Voluntary Organization
E-Potenz is a club of students of ECE branch of Engineering in BEC. It is formed with an Objective of Imparting Skills both Technical and Soft to the students across engineering colleges in twin cities with students of BEC ECE department considered the highest priority. These activities help personality development of participants. It is started in the year 2013 by a group of students to further the interests of the members. it has membership of 240 students.
The following are the laboratories with the state of the art equipment’s.
- Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab
- VLSI & E-Cad Lab
- Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab/EC & PC Lab
- Analog and Digital Communications Lab
- IC Applications Lab
- Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab
- Microwave Engineering Lab
- Digital Signal Processing Lab / Basic Simulation Lab
- Analog Electronics Lab/ Electronic Circuits Lab
Research and Development
Will be Updated soon....
Seminars & Work Shops Organised by Department
- Presented a paper titled “Encrypting Images by Patch Sparse Representation for High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding” in IJATIR voL.09 issue.01 January -2017
- A Two-Day Workshop on “APPLICATION OF VIDEO SURVEILLANCE” Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication on 21st and 22nd September 2015
- A Three-Day Faculty Development Program On “Intensive Teaching Workshop” was Organized by ECE Department in Bhaskar Engineering College in 2014
- A Two-Day Workshop on “Android Mobile” Conducted on 24th 25th Sep 2014
- An Industrial trip to CMC, Gachibowli was organized for 3rd year Students in 2014
- An Industrial trip to ATI, Ramantapur, Hyderabad was organized for 3rd year Students in 2014
- A Two-Day Workshop on “LabVIEW” was conducted on 9th 10th Oct 2013
Seminars & Workshops Attended By Faculty
- Mr. Md. Aleem Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended one week National Level Workshop on “MATLAB & its Applications-May’17” during 01-06 May 2017 at JBIET in association with IETE & CAPRICOT.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended an International Conference “MATLAB EXPO 2017 INDIA” conducted by Math Works experts about new improved capabilities in MATLAB® and Simulink® in HICC, NOVOTEL Hotel, on 27-April-2017.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has participated in two days ISTE workshop on “Aakash for Education” conducted by IIT Bombay, during 10th & 11th May 2012.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has participated in two weeks ISTE workshop on “Analog Electronics” conducted by IIT Kharagpur, during 21st to 31st May 2013.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has participated in two weeks ISTE workshop on “DBMS” conducted by IIT Bombay, during 4th to 14th June 2013.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has participated in two weeks ISTE workshop on “Signals & Systems” conducted by IIT Kharagpur, during 2nd to 12th Jan 2014.
- Mrs. V. Rajeshwari Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Power of FPGA & ASIC Design using Mentor Graphics Tool” on 1st & 2nd Feb. 2017.
- Mr. P. Thirapaiah Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended an International Conference “MATLAB EXPO 2017 INDIA” conducted by MathWorks experts about new improved capabilities in MATLAB® and Simulink® in HICC, NOVOTEL Hotel, on 27-April-2017.
- Mr. P. Thirapaiah Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended a two days National Workshop on “Image Processing Algorithms & Applications” (IPAA’16) on 16th & 17th Dec, 2016
- Mr. P.Ravi Kumar Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended an International Conference “MATLAB EXPO 2017 INDIA” conducted by MathWorks experts about new improved capabilities in MATLAB® and Simulink® in HICC, NOVOTEL Hotel, on 27-April-2017.
- Mr. P. Ravi Kumar Asst. Prof of ECE Dept. has attended one week National Level Workshop on “MATLAB & its Applications-May’17” during 01-06 May 2017, conducted by JBIET in association with IETE & CAPRICOT.
- Mr. Md. Saad Afzal Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended 5 days faculty updation program as “Digital Design using Verilog HDL” conducted by C-DAC, Hyderabad in association with TASK in August-2016.
- Mr. Md. Saad Afzal Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended a two-day Faculty Development Program on “Micro Teaching” in JBIET held in September 2015.
- Mr. Md. Saad Afzal Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended in an International conference on “VLSI design and Embedded Systems”. In HICC, Novotel Hotel, in Jan 2012.
- Mr. Md. Saad Afzal Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has attended in a six days workshop on “Recent Advances in VLSI” held at Osmania University under 'TEQIP' program in June 2014
Faculty Achievements
- Mr. D. Sreenu Babu Asst. Prof. of ECE Dept. has registered for Ph.D from SSSUTMS, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh.
Papers Published by Faculty:
- B.Shravan Kumar, Presented a paper titled “Encrypting Images by Patch Sparse Representation for High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding †in IJATIR voL.09 issue.01 January -2017
- Mr. P. Thirapaiah, Algorithmic Technique for Detecting Memory Errors in JPEG 2000, Volume IV/Issue3/NOV 2014, Pages: 68-71. http://www.ijpres.com/pdf11/11.pdf
- Mr. P. Thirapaiah, A High-Speed Montgomery Modular Multiplication Algorithm to Reduce the Energy Consumption Based on RSA Cryptosystems, ISSN: 2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 10 Oct 2015, Page No. 14653-14658. http://www.ijecs.in/issue/v4-i10/19%20ijecs.pdf
- Mr. P. Thirapaiah, Design of SRAM Bit Cell with Optimized Register File, ISSN 2048 – 1069, and Volume: 15 Issue: 25, Feb – 2015, Pages: 1701-1707. http://www.ijeec.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/CK5615.pdf
- Mr. P. Ravi Kumar, “FPGA Implementation of a Costas Loop for wireless Communication”, IJSETR, ISSN 2319-8885, Vol.02, Issue.16, November-2013, Pages: 1811-1827. http://ijsetr.com/uploads/136542IJSETR449-08.pdf
Student Achievements
Toppers In Academics 2014-15(Passed Out)
S.NO |
Hall Ticket no. |
Name of the student |
Percentage |
1 |
IV |
11GE1A0401 |
88.71 |
2 |
IV |
11GE1A0431 |
87.5 |
3 |
12GE1A0401 |
84.14 |
4 |
12GE1A0435 |
81.24 |
5 |
II |
14GE5A0401 |
73 |
6 |
II |
13GE1A0417 |
72 |
Extra Carricular
- Organized blood donation camp in association with RED CROSS society
- Organized Inter college sports and tech fest events on auction of Annual day celebrations
Telangana Academy for Skills and Knowledge was established by the Government of Telangana to enable a platform between Government, Academia and Industry to enhance employability quotient of students in the state.
The Bhaskar Engineering College has MoU with Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge. This promotes to support for conducting workshops, internships & training programs to enhance student’s technical skills. Thus, improving the success rate of employability.